Pitcher Sage
Plant Height | 1-4 FT |
Seed Count | 120,000 Seeds per LB |
Botanical Name | Salvia Azurea |
Life Cycle | Perennial |
Environment | Full Sun |
Preferred Sites | Mesic to Dry Soils _ Upland/Grassland |
Bloom Period | July-October |
Flower Color | Blue |
Pollinator Value | Very Good |
Grazing Value | Good if Not Over-Grazed |
Pitcher Sage
Pitcher Sage is a perennial grassland species is found distributed across much of the central parts of the United States. This member of the mint family has deep roots which allow it to be drought tolerant and extremely long lived.
- Prefers full sun
- Produces bright blue flowers from July to October
- Flowers are an excellent source of food for pollinators
- Mature heights of 1-4 feet
- Grows well with taller native grasses which add support for the tall spindly stem
- Fall seeding provides natural seed stratification and give way to increased germination in the spring
- Spring plantings are also successful with cold stratified seed
- Deer resistant specie
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