Aster, Swamp (Purple Stemmed)

Plant Height 4-6 Ft.
Seed Count 1,300,000
Botanical Name Symphyotrichum puniceum
Life Cycle Perennial
Environment Full Sun to Partial Shade
Preferred Sites Wet to Wet Mesic
Bloom Period August-Septemer
Flower Color Blue, Pink
Pollinator Value Very Good

Call 800-782-7311 for availability and pricing.


Natively growing north and east of a line from Mississippi to the Dakotas and across most of Canada, swamp aster prefers wet to mesic soils where it can grow from 1-7 feet tall. This perennial is not tolerant of drought or competition and will show signs of stress under these conditions. Blooming from August-September, the blue flowers are frequented by many pollinators and other insects utilize the leaves and stems. This plant is commonly referred to as purple stemmed aster due to the purple coloration of its stem, although this is not a true identifying feature.


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